Sustainable Development Coordination Network

The chairperson of the Coordination Network is Ms Taru Savolainen, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Commission on Sustainable Development from the Prime Minister's Office. The vice-chair is Ms Eeva Furman, Secretary-General of the National Commission on Sustainable Development from the Prime Minister's Office.

The Coordination Network convenes approximately once a month, always before the meetings of the National Commission on Sustainable Development and otherwise when necessary. 

Members of the Coordination Network function as contact persons and persons responsible for sustainable development issues in their own administrative branches. Each member of the Coordination Network coordinates and reconciles the views of his or her own administrative branch with the national implementation plan and the other work for sustainable development.


Deputy member

Team leader, deputy director Jenny Haukka,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
Desk officer Heidi Höök,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Senior management Carola Hautamäki,
Ministry of Justice
Senior Specialist Ilona Suojanen,
Ministry of the Interior
Specialist Eeva Koivunen
Planning Officer Mari Kulmala,
Ministry of Defence
Senior Advisor Sami Heikkilä,
Ministry of Defence
CIO Vesa Lipponen,
Ministry of Finance
Senior Ministerial Adviser Hannu Vainonen,
Ministry of Education and Culture
Senior Ministerial Adviser Emma Harju,
Ministry of Education and Culture
Chief Specialist Katja Matveinen,
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Ministerial Adviser Birgitta Vainio-Mattila,
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Senior Officer Sara Österberg,
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Ministerial Adviser Tuuli Ojala,
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Ministerial Adviser Leena Pentikäinen,
Ministry of Employment and the Economy
Ministerial Adviser Mika Honkanen,
Ministry of Employment and the Economy
Senior Ministerial Adviser Markus Seppelin,
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Ministerial Adviser Satu Leino,
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Specialist Juulia Suuronen,
Ministry of the Environment
Senior Ministerial Adviser Marina von Weissenberg, Ministry of the Environment
Permanent experts  
Secretary General Marikki Karhu,
Development Policy Committee
Coordinator Katja Kandolin,
Development Policy Committee
Head of Research Jukka Hoffren,
Statistics Finland
Head of Development, sustainability Katri Kanerva, State Treasury Sustainability Specialist Netta Jakola,
State Treasury