Finland wants to highlight wellbeing economy approach at UN Social Summit 2025

Finland is currently participating in the 62nd session of the UN Commission for Social Development (CSocD62) that is held in New York. The Finnish delegation is led by Minister of Social Affairs and Health Kaisa Juuso.
The session will pave the way for the UN Social Summit 2025. The Commission will discuss how to accelerate progress on the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals while emphasising the social dimension. It will also focus on the influence of digital transformation on inclusive growth and development.
On the opening day, 5 February, Minister Juuso delivered Finland’s address to the CSocD62, describing Finland’s social policy innovations, such as affordable child daycare and the equal division of family leaves between parents, which are essential for improving women’s participation in the labour market.
Finland also wants to promote the economy of wellbeing approach at the CSocD62 and put it on the agenda of the UN Social Summit 2025. In her address, Minister Juuso highlighted the connection between a sustainable economy and wellbeing.
“Investments in effective wellbeing policy measures and structures will support economic growth and reduce social and health-related costs in the future,” says Minister Juuso.
Economy of wellbeing also featured prominently at Finland’s side event
Finland has actively emphasised the importance of the economy of wellbeing approach on UN forums, and it has also organised a side event under the theme of the economy of wellbeing during the CSocD62. The side event focused on sharing experiences and best practices with a view to promoting the economy of wellbeing.
Minister Juuso stated at the side event that the best way to alleviate the challenges related to people’s wellbeing is to address these challenges at an early stage and throughout life. “Social inclusion, health promotion – including mental health – and disease prevention play an important role in reducing public expenditure in the future.”
In addition to Minister Juuso, the Finnish delegation includes public officials from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Mission of Finland to the UN, as well as representatives of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and organisations, for example Finland's Youth Delegate to the UN.
Nuutti Hyttinen, Special Adviser to the Minister of Social Affairs and Health
Pasi Korhonen, Director of International Affairs, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health